TASSP/TASC Student Leadership Class / Academy (scroll down)
The Texas Association of Secondary School Principals and the Texas Association of Student Councils sponsor Student Leadership, a TEA-approved class. Developed originally in 1996 and most recently revised in 2022, the course curriculum is available for purchase and implementation in secondary schools. TASSP/TASC serves as the sponsoring organization with TEA, and the course may be offered for ½ to 1 state elective credit. Schools must purchase the curriculum through TASC and complete the TASSP/TASC Participant Agreement to offer this versatile course as state credit. The curriculum may also be purchased as a supplemental resource for other classes or educational purposes. Licensing to offer the course for state credit is provided per individual campus (school).
Materials The revised curriculum includes in each chapter course TEKS, activities to teach key concepts and web-based resources. The curriculum and web-based resources to accompany the course are provided via PDF. The revised curriculum also includes a Curriculum Supplement (100 pages of leadership lessons developed by leadership teachers.)
TASSP/TASC Student Leadership Course/Materials
The curriculum with permission to teach the class for state credit may be purchased for $300 and includes a Curriculum Supplement (100 pages of leadership lessons written by leadership teachers.) The curriculum must be purchased per campus, not per school district.
The Student Leadership Class is a course for students seeking opportunities to expand and deepen their group and individual skills to positively impact their lives and community.
- Building on collaborative skills and habits of mind, students will gain knowledge and expertise in leadership skills, including goal setting, effective communication, organization time management, and collaborative strategies.
- Students solve relevant and current school and community issues by working collaboratively and independently on high-level, real-world tasks such as project proposals, portfolios, and presentations.
- In some schools, the course is customized to meet the needs of formal student organizations such as student council.
- However, this course is adaptable across various student needs and student populations.
Information regarding the course: Who should take this class and why? » Reasons for teaching leadership » Course description & recommended educator certifications » Click here for information regarding TEA Innovative Courses »
2024 Student Leadership Course & Curriculum Academy Summer of 2024
TASC 2024 Student Leadership Course & Curriculum Academy Central Texas: July 18-19, 2024 Georgetown Sheraton
Lodging, Curriculum, and Transportation are not included in the price below. Some meals are included. Early Bird Registration until June 18 - $390 Regular Registration until July 8 - $430
- Participants' schools must have the full updated curriculum to participate in the course.
- NEW TEKS in 2022! Student Leadership was approved for five more years in April 2022 and has new TEKS.
- To continue teaching the class for state credit, the campus must follow the new TEKS and use the new Curriculum Guide.
- Purchase and approval are by individual campus, not district or teacher.
- The Academy is open to anyone teaching or interested in teaching the TASSP State Credit Student Leadership Class, as well as those who want to enhance their skills for working with a council, club, or leadership team.
- Tentative Schedule PDF here and picture below

TASC Board of Directors Registration and Cancellation Policy:
- Policy for registration of schools who owe a balance to TASC:
- Schools who have an outstanding balance from an event, will not be able to register for future events once 6 months have lapsed from their original date of registration for the event with an outstanding balance.
- Policy in summer leadership workshop handbook to be a blanketed statement for all events:
- Cancellations and refunds will be permitted until one month prior to the start date of a particular event or workshop and must be made in writing to the TASC office. When applicable, the refund amount will be applied to the balance due. Each time a cancellation is made, there will be a transaction fee (⅓ of the registration fee) assessed per individual cancellation. No refunds or credits will be given for cancellations made less than one month prior to the start date of an event/workshop. Refunds will not be provided for event/workshop no-shows, regardless of the situation.