2024-2025 TASC Endorsed Programs

Resources for Texas Student Councils

In an effort to provide resources for member schools, the TASC Board of Directors endorses programs and establishes relationships with organizations that complement and enhance common Texas student council goals and purposes. Participation with these programs offers students the opportunity to conduct projects and gain valuable resources that support the work of student councils. Participation and any subsequent membership with these organizations are separate from TASC and services are handled directly by the named organization. Schools can receive 15 points per program (maximum of 60 points) on the TASC Outstanding Student Council Report Form, as well as apply participation on other formal TASC report forms where appropriate.

  Free lesson plans, the opportunity to be featured on the website, access to veterans, military & first responders as speakers at your school.

We can host a donor registration webinar/table; create a donor registration challenge; present organ, eye, tissue donation information in a class or assembly; create opportunities to meet donor families, learn about transplant centers, send press releases, etc. 

We offer schools a custom apparel program, so dude. be nice can be the uniform that unites students as they work to build a more positive campus culture. Additionally, we offer a free dude. be nice Week Activity Guide that will help TASC schools plan a week of fun, creative, and meaningful activities on campus.

Educator Webinars re Digital Safety, Wellness, Citizenship - Monthly Student Voice Events - Free Club Starter Package - Support & Guidance if something negative occurs (fake page, inappropriate photos, zoom bomber, etc.) - Free curriculum - project ideas for school.  We also offer annual and seasonal internships.
  Creative and thoughtful media – including our Happy Habits illustrated set (digital and physical posters), our Peer-to-Peer Support video series, Hi, How Are You Pledge Campaign, ‘Get Involved’ and more. We also have access to mental health experts, & nationally recognized musicians, artists, creatives that could be available for programs.
  Make-A-Wish plastic banners, balloons, stickers, & brochures are provided at no charge to use on a bulletin board or kick-off fundraising. We provide free Make-A-Wish blue wristbands & paper stars to use in fundraising. A representative is available upon request to speak & show a video to Student Council groups. A Make-A-Wish representative is usually available upon request to come to the school for a large check presentation & photo opportunity with the Student Council members for newspaper, yearbooks, & press releases.

The number one cause of teenage deaths in the USA is car accidents
Nickel from Nicole encourages all schools to develop a safe driving awareness program. The FREE collateral from Nickel from Nicole can be used by student council members to start their own safe driving awareness campaign or complement their existing program.


SafeBAE is the only survivor-founded, student-led national organization working to prevent sexual violence exclusively among middle and high school students in the US.  We work to enlist all school stakeholders in culture change by giving teens the tools to become peer-to-peer advocates of sexual harassment and assault prevention, affirmative consent, safe bystander intervention, survivor care, and Title IX education; while also providing school staff with trauma-informed response training, curriculum, policy reform guidance, and resources to reduce recidivism.


We help youth use their voice to support living a tobacco and vape-free life while developing leadership skills. We provide free mini-grant kids, free regional Action Summits, & the opportunity to earn scholarships to our summit & to become a Teen Ambassador.


Students, faculty, and staff can request trainings from Texas Advocacy Project at any point in the year at no cost regarding healthy relationships. We offer a wide range of teen outreach trainings, & can consult with student councils & staff about legal responses to intimate partner violence, & prevention education. We invite councils to participate in our Backpacks for Hope program. We have free online courses as well.


Councils can request a free Resource Tool Kit & undertake whatever projects they believe will be most effective with their peers. Teens develop leadership skills & learn to use their voice to advocate for safe driving habits. Your school can win cash.


Students experience a 45 minute, interactive, high-energy, multimedia presentation, learning about global causes & how young people can take action to change the world. Then students are invited into an experience to develop their leadership skills through two mentorship journeys. Students can first choose to opt into a free leadership program where students develop social & self-awareness, goal setting, strategic planning, marketing, communication, & fundraising skills. The alternative journey is for students to experience a speaker program, channeling the focus of participating students to work on using their voice & ability to communicate for change. We also have a scholarship program.


The VING project is a national movement sparking the next generation of giving. Through VING, teens have an opportunity to give an individual in need an encouraging boost by surprising them with $1,000.


Our program is FREE & open to all. Anyone can follow our social media, go to our website, use our resources etc. This can be individuals, students, schools, community. Schools can apply to have a Work2BeWell Club or be a Work2BeWell School (this process is almost completely free). You could have a student apply to be on the National Student Advisory Council. Work2BeWell is a choose your own adventure – we can meet you where you and/or your school are on their mental health & well-being journey & provide tools and resources to help move the journey forward.

Board of Directors Policy Regarding Endorsements and/or Partnerships

Programs/projects that complement the mission and purpose of student council may be considered by the Board for an endorsement/partnership. Programs or projects interested in forming a partnership with TASC must demonstrate in writing the ways in which the program enhances the work of or provides a resource to student councils. Programs/projects sponsored by member schools are preferred. The Board will approve this type of relationship at the summer board meeting. The board may determine to limit the number of endorsed programs. These relationships benefit TASC member schools directly, either by providing a resource to the council or to individual students. Benefits to an endorsed program/partner may include access to member schools' data for marketing after participation in a conference, inclusion in conferences through presentations and reduced exhibit rates, a link on the TASC website, and inclusion in the TASC Resource Guide. Relationships are established by a board vote and are renewed annually. Existing programs must demonstrate participation by and benefit to schools and justify the continuation of the relationship in writing.

Interested in submitting a proposal for endorsement by the TASC Board of Directors? The Board of Directors will review all proposals at its summer meeting (usually in July). Please review the information required and submit to Patty Wangler at TASC before July 1 of the school year for which you are applying. Contact: Email [email protected].

Partnership Policy and Application: New or Continuing »