Register Now! Early Bird Rate Until August 2325: $160 Regular Registration after August 25: $180
Registration is OPEN! Luncheon is guaranteed ONLY for those who register by August 23 25 (due to website issues) - Register Today!
2024 ADVISOR WORKSHOP REGISTRATION - There's still room for you!
2024 HOTEL BOOKING LINK by Sunday Aug 25th $159 per night. - BOOKING LINK IS CLOSED AS OF 8-25. There are plenty of hotels nearby at very reasonable rates!
First, we take care of the advisors.
Then we prepare advisors to take care of the students. Because doing the same thing we did before will not bring us the same success this year!
- Separate strands are offered for National Honor Society & Texas Association of Student Councils
- Anyone who works with student activities will benefit from this workshop!
- You will get to choose breakouts and table shares based on exactly what you need (as new or experienced advisors)
- Hear from nationally recognized experts in student activities
- Gather with others who understand and support what you do
- Learn from TASC partners

Phil Boyte! | Phil Boyte has traveled the continent for over 35 years working with educators in thousands of schools to transform school culture. He believes in the power of sharing our stories in order to build relationships and trust so everyone can say: I belong here, I am safe here, I can learn and grow here. He is the founder of Learning for Living and the creator of nationally known programs including, Link Crew, WEB, and Breaking Down the Walls. Phil authored the book, “School Culture By Design,” and is host of the "School Culture By Design" Podcast. Most recently, Phil launched People First Administrators Training. Phil brings a dynamic and relationship-centric approach to programs to encourage engagement and inspire belonging!
Jason Queen! | Coming up, Jason experienced a lot of academic, family, and social challenges. All of that led to failing classes, fighting, being labeled, drug and alcohol abuse, foster homes and being placed in programs. During his sessions, he shares what changed his life, and how students can move forward too. Incorporating many of the same beliefs and principles that helped him, Jason has gone on to inspire thousands of other students with his message. Jason’s passion and life's work has been to help students and teachers become the best version of themselves.
SEPT 15-16, 2024 (Sunday and Monday) |
- To pay with a check, complete online registration and PRINT the invoice to mail with a check. Honor Society Advisors or schools who are not yet active can create a Profile and register using the above link. The cost is $160 if registered by August 23. Registration after that or onsite/until sold out is $180. The hotel room is not included in the price of registration. PAYMENTS to TASC: check or credit card (or cash on-site).
- Lunch is guaranteed ONLY for those who register by August 23, as we must order exact numbers of lunches. A few additional lunch tickets will be available on a first-come, first-served basis Sunday morning. Enjoy our complimentary reception on the afternoon of September 15th.
- Hotel reservations must be made separately. *Save money, book in the TASC block online, and receive the workshop rate using the hotel link below.
(Change the dates and amount of people in the room to what you need! Otherwise...Queen Rooms may not show up!)
See our promo video above!
You will walk away with the following:
- concrete plans and practical ideas
- a wealth of support that will sustain you for the year
- inspiration to take your group to the next level
- partners and friends for your journey of leadership
Enjoy exceptional presentations that give you materials and information you can use immediately:
- Groups that offer outstanding volunteer opportunities
- Strands for new student council advisors as well as those who are experienced
- Strands for those at both the middle and high school level
- Gain sound expertise from Texas experts on student leadership, leadership classes, school culture, and climate.
Attend as a school leadership team: Invite your principal as well as other class and club advisors — take your leadership team! Honor Society advisors can create a profile and register online. Plan together for an outstanding year at your school.
SEPT. 15 - SUNDAY: 8:00-3:30 | REGISTRATION | 8:00-3:30 | EXHIBITS & LEADERSHIP STORE 9:00 | OPENING GENERAL SESSION | with Phil Boyte 10:20-10:50 | TASC DISTRICT/HONOR SOCIETY SESSIONS 11:00 -11:45 | SET 1 BREAKOUTS 12:00-1:15 | LUNCHEON and Texas Star Awards 1:25 -2:10 | SET 2 BREAKOUTS 2:25 -3:05 | SET 3 BREAKOUTS 3:05 - 3:30 | SOCIAL & BREAK 3:40 - 5:15 | TABLE TALKS 5:30 | NETWORKING AND SOCIAL RECEPTION
SEPT. 16 - MONDAY: 8:30-11:00 | EXHIBITS & BOOKSTORE 9:00-9:45 | SET 4 BREAKOUTS 9:55 -10:35 | SET 5 BREAKOUTS 10:45 - 11:55 | CLOSING GENERAL SESSION | with Jason Queen
- We are seeking Breakout Proposals from both the student council and honor society advisors. Those who are accepted to present a 45-minute breakout receive free registration. CLICK HERE »
- We are seeking Table Talk leader (10-minute facilitated discussions) proposals from both the student council and honor society advisors. CLICK HERE »
TASC Board of Directors Registration and Cancellation Policy:
- Early Bird Registration: Those registering by midnight on the day Early Bird Registration Closes have a discounted registration fee. They are also guaranteed lunch on the first day of the Advisors Workshop.
- Cancellation Policy: Cancellations and refunds will be permitted until one month prior to the start date of a particular event or workshop and must be made in writing to the TASC office (email to [email protected] and [email protected]). When applicable, the refund amount will be applied to the balance due. Each time a cancellation is made, there will be a transaction fee (⅓ of the registration fee) assessed per individual cancellation. No refunds or credits will be given for cancellations made less than one month prior to the start date of an event/workshop. Refunds will not be provided for event/workshop no-shows, regardless of the situation.
- Should TASC have to cancel the entire workshop for matters beyond our control, refunds will be given to all those registered.
Event Links: