TASC Membership

Membership FAQ’s

What are the benefits of TASC membership?  Click Here

How much does membership cost?
• The annual membership fee is $95 which includes membership in both the TASC State and District Associations, monthly newsletters, access to the full website, and help anytime you need it at the state level.

What types of payment do you accept?
• TASC accepts check, purchase order, and credit card. The membership is marked active when actual payment is received, not when a purchase order is received.

Is TASC for both high school and middle level student councils?
• TASC is for students in grades 5-12.
• We have membership available for ML (grades 5-8) and HS (grades 9-12).

What if my school is 5-12?
• Most of the TASC districts have District Associations that include both ML and HS. There are a few with a separate ML District Association. Your council can join as HS or as ML. If you are in a district with two associations and want to participate in both, or if you want to apply for recognition at both HS and ML, then you can join both for $190.

How long does my membership last?
• Membership is yearly and runs September 1 – August 31.

What about advisors and membership?
• TASC asks for one primary advisor. Additional co-advisors are covered under the campus membership and have access to the entire website just as the primary advisor does. Invoices for membership are sent to the primary advisor.
• The membership is tied to the primary advisor. Advisor changes can be submitted at any time by completing the online Advisor Change Form. Prompt notification of an advisor change helps facilitate a smooth transition and the receipt of information as membership renewal is sent via email to the primary advisor.

What if a group other than a student council or an individual wants to join TASC?
• TASC has an Associate Member category through which like-minded individuals and/or organizations may join TASC. Perhaps you have a service organization that want to access TASC programming and events. Then you may join as an associate member. Dues are the same as they are for student councils. Associate members have all privileges of membership except being able to run for state office and/or elected advisor to the Board of Directors. Contact Patty Wangler with questions about this. It may be that your student association is fulfilling the role of a student council and may be eligible for full membership

If I need help, whom do I call?

For general questions about TASC and student council, policy and procedures, conference information, TASC Awards and Scholarships, or advisor and student resources, contact [email protected].

For information about renewal, registration, invoices, or the website. [email protected].

For district submission of award-winning schools or questions about receiving OSC plaques, Sweepstakes rosettes, etc., contact [email protected]

The Texas Association of Secondary School Principals is the parent organization of TASC. TASSP and TASC work hand in hand to create strong councils and strong schools.